School website audit

Religious Education and Collective Worship


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Name of school

Rye College


Type of school e.g. primary/secondary, academy/maintained

Secondary Academy, part of AQUINAS Church of England Education Trust


Published ethos and values statement?

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Whole school “vision” and “values”.

Reference to spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development?

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Reference to ‘British Values’ and tolerance of those with different faith and beliefs?

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Statement document on website – January 2023.

Curriculum Statement for RE?

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In KS3 and KS4 in “Curriculum Booklet 2024/25.

In “Overview of Department – Religious Education”.

Some curriculum planning accessible to parents? Year-by-year?

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“Learning Overviews” for Years 7 to 11 (equivalent of long term plans.

Term 1 Knowledge Summaries for Year 7, 8 and 9.

Reference to the new Agreed Syllabus?

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In KS3 and KS4 in “Curriculum Booklet 2024/25.

In “Overview of Department – Religious Education”.

KS4: mention of non-examination course?

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KS4: mention of exam board for Religious Studies?

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KS4: mention of examination outcomes?

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KS5: mention of non-examination course?



KS5: mention of exam board for Religious Studies?



KS5: mention of examination outcomes?



Named RE Lead?

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Rev. Phipps

Mention of RE in the latest Ofsted report?

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Reference to collective worship?

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Policy: RE?

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Via link to trust website.

Policy: Collective Worship?

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Via link to trust website.

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